Dr. Patrick McCrea, M.D., M.A.Sc., F.R.C.S.C.
Endoscopy, General, & Laparoscopic Surgery
Tel: 902.368.7610 · Fax: 902.368.7611
Patient Information
Patients should be knowledgeable about their health. If you are going to be seeing Dr. McCrea, you can find out more information about your disease, procedure, or surgery here by clicking on the appropriate topics. All patients are required to complete a health questionnaire in the "All Patients" section before being seen. The questionnaire is an essential part of your health care and must be returned one week prior to your appointment. Please send to the office via email info@drpatrickmccrea.com or fax at: 902.368.7611. Information on other Boardwalk Professional Centre Physicians and Services can be found here.
All Patients
New Patients
Complete this form if seeing Dr. McCrea for colonoscopy, gastroscopy or abdominal/gastrointestinal concerns:
All other other patients should complete this form:
Returning Patients
Complete this form and return to office:
Healthy Living
Surgery is a physical, emotional, and mental stress. Healthy life choices leads to better surgical outcomes. Here are some resources for exercise, balanced eating, weight loss, smoking cessation, and substance abuse:
PEI Drug Info (Addictions)
General Surgery
Here are some good resources to help you with your knowledge about general surgical diseases:
We are always looking for good patient resources. Please forward any helpful websites or handouts to us!
Endoscopy Procedures
Colorectal Surgery
Hernia Surgery
Ostomy and Wound Care
Ambulatory Care
Breast Surgery
Gallbladder Surgery
Other Surgeries
trust. ​quality care. expertise.