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Breast Surgery Patients

Breast changes may be noticed by yourself, your physician, or by screening tests such as mammography. Not all breast changes are cancer related but when it is a concern, a biopsy will usually be done. Treatment of breast cancer may include surgery, radiation, and/or chemotherapy. Occasionally non-cancer changes may require surgery too.


On this page you can find more information about breast cancer, breast health exercises, and instruction sheets for most breast procedures that are done by Dr. McCrea.

Breast Surgery at Queen Elizabeth Hospital


All patients are seen first in the pre-surgery clinic.


Breast surgery patients with significant medical conditions or patients older than 70 are kept in hospital overnight. All other patients are sent home the same day of surgery.



Instructions for Breast Procedures by Dr. McCrea


Please find downoadable instructon sheets for procedures:





Find Out More About Breast Cancer Treatment




Exercises After Breast Surgery or Radiation


Any breast surgery (including biopsies) or radiation treatment may affect how well you move your shoulder and arm, take a deep breath, and do your daily activities.  No matter what type of surgery you had, it is important to do exercises to restore movement in order to decrease pain and stiffness.   You can find some links to helpful websites below:


Surgical Procedures


The first procedure that most patients will have done is a biopsy and this is done by either the surgeon or the radiologist.


Surgery is generally done if cancerous or precancerous cells are identified on biopsy.  The options for removing the cells is either a Lumpectomy (partial breast) or a Mastectomy (whole breast).  Considerations are the tumor size relative to breast, chance of further cancer developing, medical history, and reconstruction options but the choice is the patient's.


For patients with cancer identified it is also necessary to identify if it has spread to the nodes in the axilla.  Known significant nodes are completely removed by Axillary Node Dissection (AND).  Most patients, however, have their nodes sampled by a procedure called Sentinel Node Biopsy (SNB).  Patients with cancer cells found during Sentinel Node Biopsy may or may not need further surgery and this is dependent on how much cancer is present.


Most patients will also be seen by a medical oncologist and radiation oncologist.




Donate to the Fight Against Breast Cancer


There are many ways to support the the fight against breast cancer. Find out how you can volunteer, participate, fundraise, or donate to this important cause through the following organizations:


trust. ​quality care. expertise.

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