Dr. Patrick McCrea, M.D., M.A.Sc., F.R.C.S.C.
Endoscopy, General, & Laparoscopic Surgery
Tel: 902.368.7610 · Fax: 902.368.7611
Physician Information
Dr. McCrea is accepting referrals to his office and more information about the process can be found here. To make your life easier, we have made downloadable referral forms/guidelines for endoscopy, breast health surgery, and general surgery. The office uses OSCAR EMR and has generated eforms for referrals if you would like to download and add them to your OSCAR eform database. Dr. McCrea accepts referals by fax or phone but not by email. Patients can email their information voluntarily to us but we will not accept 3rd party emails of confidential patient information.
Referral Forms
Please find downloadable guidelines with fill-able disease templates for general surgery referrals. The purpose of these guidelines is to streamline patient flow towards diagnosis and treatment. The current guidelines are PDF documents. In the future, OSCAR EMR eforms will also be available for download here.

Online Resources
Charlottetown General Surgeons
Please find contact information for my colleagues:
Surgeon Telephone Fax
Dr. Jeff Craswell 902.628.6528 902.367.3284
Dr. Barry Fleming 902.629.8813 902.629.8838
Dr. Alex Gillis 902.566.1445 902.566.1446
Atlantic Canada Subspecialty Surgeons
Dr. McCrea is happy to see all patients with general surgery concerns but will rerefer to subspecialists for the the following issues. Please check for updates on surgeries offered by the office.
Dalhousie General Surgery Faculty Page
Liver Tumors - Drs. Walsh, Molinari, Alwayn, and Porter
Pancreatic Tumors - Drs. Walsh, Molinari, and Alwayn
Biliary Tumors - Drs. Walsh, Molinari, and Alwayn
Transplant Surgery - Drs. Walsh, Molinari, and Alwayn
Surgical Oncology
Melanoma - Drs. Helyer and Giacomantonio
Sarcoma - Drs. Helyer, Giaocomantonio, and Porter
Gastric Cancer - Dr. Helyer
Upper GI Surgery
Weight loss surgery - Dr. Ellsmere
Esophageal/Hiatal surgery - Dr. Ellsmere
Laparoscopic Splenectomy - Dr. Klassen
Colorectal Surgery
Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEMS) - Dr. Williams
Endocrine Surgery
Adrenal - Dr. Helyer
Parathyroid - Dr. Helyer
Subspecialty Surgeon Contacts
Surgeon Telephone Fax
Dr. Mark Walsh 902.473.5296 902.473.5297
Dr. Michelle Molinari 902.473.7624 902.473.7639
Dr. Geoff Porter 902.473.6499 902.473.6496 Dr. Lucy Helyer 902.473.1877 902.429.3313 Dr. Carmen Giacomantonio 902.473.6177 902.473.6178 Dr. Ian Alwayn 902.473.6193 902.473.6640 Dr. Jim Ellsmere 902.473.1886 902.425.3817 Dr. Dennis Klassen 902.473.5574 902.473.2828 Dr. Lara Williams 902.473.3937 902.428.4176 |
trust. ​quality care. expertise.