Dr. Patrick McCrea, M.D., M.A.Sc., F.R.C.S.C.
Endoscopy, General, & Laparoscopic Surgery
Tel: 902.368.7610 · Fax: 902.368.7611

View from Dr. McCrea's Office

Dr. McCrea is Seeing New Patients
This website is a patient and physician resource for Dr. McCrea's general surgery practice in Charlottetown, PE. Dr. McCrea has short wait lists for endoscopy and elective surgery. All patients with cancer are fast-tracked.
All patients must have a referral from their primary care physician.
In Case of Emergency
Patients: Go to the emergency department nearest to you and advise our office if you experience any of the following:
Continuous nausea/vomiting
Heavy bleeding
Severe pain
Procedures Offered
Dr. McCrea is pleased to offer the following medical procedures:
Endoscopy - colonoscopy and gastroscopy
Breast surgery (non-plastic)
Colon and rectal surgery
Billary tract disease and surgery
Perianal disease and surgery
Thyroid surgery
Emergency general surgery
Latest News ...

December 1, 2013 Update
All forms have been updated and links corrected. This site has also been optimized for internet explorer 9 and above.

Eco-Friendly Office
We use electronic medical records (EMR). OSCAR is our program of choice. With limited use of paper in the office, we are minimizing our environmental footprint.
trust. ​quality care. expertise.